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BCAFM Farmers' Markets Tools & Resources Database
A directory of tools and resources to help farmers’ market thrive. The directory includes a wide variety of reports, links, videos, and other documents for market board members, market managers, and vendors.

Wetland Restoration and Training Resources
There are countless publications available about wetland restoration and construction. Not all are the easiest to understand or the most practical in terms of bringing the knowledge home to where you live and work. Here, you will find publications and resources that are based on in-field experiences...

Newest Resources
Most recent additions to the Creative Culture Guide, including local sustainability resources and holistic guides to sustainable living and best practices.

Regenerative Resources Co
Regenerative Seawater Agriculture is an on-shore aquaculture system, that integrates high-tech seafood production with seawater agroecology, mangrove agroforestries, and groves of seagrasses. The key economic system deployed at RRC is a proprietary zero-waste, circular, and regenerative seafood system...

The International Journal of the Commons
As an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed open-access journal, the IJC is dedicated to furthering the understanding of institutions for use and management of resources that are (or could be) enjoyed collectively. These resources may be part of the natural world (e.g. forests, climate systems, or the oceans)...

Agricultural meters, probes, tools & instruments
Quality agricultural meters at competitive prices. A huge range of innovative farm, agricultural, and horticultural meters, probes, instruments, tools and resources with the bonus of personal and experienced service resources from The Meter Man - David von Pein Soil, Water & Plant Sap Health, Moisture...

Materials & Manufacturing
Responsible resource stewardship, manufacturing, and recycling The art of transforming raw materials that are available into tools and materials that are needed.

Homeschool Canada
Homeschool Canada began in 2011 to help homeschool families from all across Canada connect with each other, and to provide a central place where people can find national, provincial and regional information about homeschooling in Canada; including laws, guidelines and resources.
A large collection of active and diverse Permaculture articles and forums on most topics related to homesteading and sustainability, as well as video resources, podcasts and on site appropriate technology and permaculture courses.

Climate Hope Resource Guide
Helpful places on the Internet with resources to deal with Climate Grief and Eco-anxiety.

The Post Carbon Institute
Post Carbon Institute provides individuals and communities with the resources needed to understand and respond to the interrelated ecological, economic, energy, and equity crises of the 21st century. They help build resilience to withstand these crises, and support social and cultural change to make...

Growing Without Schooling
John Holt's Growing Without Schooling (GWS), founded in 1977, was America's first home education newsletter. The website offers all back issues of GWS, homeshooling videos and resources, books and downloads.

The Zero Waste International Alliance (ZWIA) is an international organization focused on Zero Waste standards, policies and best practices. The ZWIA Charter Principles are: 1. Convert waste to resources for the benefits of local production and the creation of a sustainable society. 2. Redesign products...

US Department of Agriculture Organic Regulations
The USDA organic regulations describe organic agriculture as the application of a set of cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that support the cycling of on-farm resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. These include maintaining or enhancing soil and water quality;...

Fulfilling local needs with resources within a community or bioregion Avoiding long distance transportation is essential to an efficient, sustainable society. Transportation accounts for more than 1/4 of global energy use and emissions.

Economic Accessibility
At a cost that is in proportion to resources used and value provided, and within the means of those that need it

Avoiding excessive or unnecessary use of resources

Methods and resources for cleaning without toxic chemicals ## Non-toxic Disinfectant Cleaners **Vinegar** Advantages: Inexpensive, readily and locally available Disadvantages: Strong and lasting odor **Lemon Juice** Advantages: Inexpensive Disadvantages: Not locally available in northern climates....

DIY Machinery
Leveling the playing field in favor of resilient small scale manufacturing DIY (do it yourself) includes resources for machinery or other items that an individual can build and maintain, and also supports local scale manufacturing by lowering entry barriers and empowering creative local solutions.

British Columbia Education and Training
Descriptions, resources and guidelines for homeschooling and alternative schooling as defined by the Government of British Columbia

Organic BC Directory
A searchable database of over 750 organic farms and agricultural resources in BC and the Yukon. The directory is part of the organic BC website run by COABC (Certified Organic Associations of BC).

Enough Is Enough by Rob Dietz and Dan O’Neill
Enough Is Enough: Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources' is a book that - summarize the scientific evidence that the pursuit of continuous economic growth is not a good idea and looks at what constitutes desirable levels of population and consumption. - explains how in a steady-state...

EcoNest provides resources and training for building natural homes using timber frame and clay-straw. EcoNests are designed to be long lasting sustainable and ecological homes incorporating timber-frame, straw-clay walls, earth plasters, and natural non-toxic finishes.

Borrow Save Share
The website is a project of LifeCycles Project, dedicated to supporting the free and open sharing of locally grown seed in British Columbia. It includes a directory of BC seed libraries and resources to help start community seed libraries.

Marketing for Hippies
Ethical marketing for uncertain times. Free resources, core strategies, workshops, and coaching programs to develop appropriate feel-good marketing for values-based businesses.

Stream to Sea: K-12 Education
The Stream to Sea education program supports and provides resources to educators in British Columbia and Yukon. Students learn to become aquatic stewards by understanding, respecting and protecting freshwater, estuarine and marine ecosystems.

Sociocracy for All
A nonprofit that works to make sociocracy accessible to more people through online resources, courses and books. aims to support building community resilience in a world of multiple emerging challenges: the decline of cheap energy, the depletion of critical resources like water, complex environmental crises like climate change and biodiversity loss, and the social and economic issues which are linked...

Sustainable Living Stack Exchange
Sustainable Living Stack Exchange is a fact based question and answer website dedicated to questions about living an ecologically sustainable lifestyle that can be maintained indefinitely without depleting the earth's resources.

The Gaples Institute for Integrative Cardiology
The Gaples Institute for Integrative Cardiology is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with the mission to provide leadership in advocacy and education regarding the powerful role of nutrition and lifestyle changes for prevention of heart disease.

PLA filament
Polylactic acid or polylactide (PLA) — a biodegradable *thermoplastic aliphatic polyester* derived from renewable resources, such as corn starch, cassava roots, chips or starch, or sugarcane — can be used as an alternative to ABS plastic filament in many 3D printers.

Tilth Alliance
The Tilth Alliance programs teach adults and children how to grow food, compost, garden organically, raise urban livestock, and conserve natural resources.

The Spirit Level
The Spirit Level is a collation of research from hundreds of independent scientific publications showing how and why people in more (economically) equal societies live longer, healthier, happier and more ecologically sustainable lives they then people in societies that are less equal. The book, released...

The Bolivian Declaration of Mother Earth's Rights
Mother Earth being a living being, of which all life forms, both animate and inanimate are part, and aware of its benefits for living well — in good health — we assume the responsibility and the generational role in cultivating balance and harmony in our lives and with our Mother Earth. We call...

David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet
David Attenborough, a 94 yr old naturalist, recounts his life and the evolutionary history of life on Earth, reflects upon both the defining moments of his lifetime and the devastating changes he has seen, grieves the global nature loss and loss of wild places in a single lifetime, and offers a powerful...

Sharing resources freely

Creative Culture Map
Map of sustainability resources

Atira Community Garden
Community garden with 15 garden plots. Operated by Atira Community Resources.

Port Townsend EcoVillage
Port Townsend EcoVillage is a community of people living in harmony with each other and the earth.

Home and Family
Excerpts from the Home and Temple Handbook by R. Francis: PROCREATIVE FAMILY: “The fundamental cradle for the genesis of culture, family cultures procreate the components of village culture.” AUSPICIOUS PARTNERSHIP: “Making the perfect match— a matter of major consequence for the individual,...

The Earth Ship Constitutional Principles
The Earth Ship Constitutional Principles were formulated in 1996 in a collective effort to define a consistent set of global principles which include the recognition of the basic ‘rights’ of ALL life forms, in harmonious balance with human beings. **“LIFE IS MOST PRECIOUS”** is the first and...

Kiss the Ground
Kiss the Ground is a feature-length documentary focusing on regenerating the world’s soils. It shows that it's possible to rapidly stabilize Earth’s climate, restore lost ecosystems and create abundant food supplies through regenerative agriculture.

Introduction to Permaculture
Introduction to Permaculture is an updated and revised version of the first two permaculture books, Permaculture One (Mollison and Holmgren, 1978) and Permaculture Two (Mollison, 1979), and replaces them. Bill Mollison was the founder and director of the Permaculture Institute, He taught and developed...

Rodale Institute
Widely recognized as a founder of the modern organic movement, Rodale Institute has been a global leader in regenerative organic agriculture for over 70 years. Rodale Institute is growing the regenerative organic movement through research, farmer training, publishing and consumer education.

Earth: A Graphic Look at the State of the World
**A concise and comprehensive overview of the state of the planet and humanity.** Earth's ecological and human systems are in severe crisis. Although there is a wealth of information available, much of it is fragmented. The convergence of issues facing the earth are so interrelated that most of them...

The Humanure Handbook
Compost toilets can provide a sanitation solution when water or electricity are not available, or when you simply want to make more compost or less environmental pollution. Now in its 4th edition, not only does the book address what to do with human manure, but it is also a priceless manual for anyone...

Canadian Organic Grower's Guide to Canadian Organic Standards
To label a product with the Canada Organic logo, producers are required, by law, to follow the Canadian Organic Standards. These apply whether growing vegetables, raising laying hens or processing convenience food. The standards, however, can be challenging to read, but it is critical that producers...

How to Save Seeds
A simple, one page step by step guide includes: to what and how to grow, when and how to harvest, and proper storing of seeds.

Joe Jenkins
Author of the 'Humanure Handbook'; "...maintains a business in north western Pennsylvania (Joseph Jenkins, Inc.), where he resides on 143 acres with a large garden, an orchard, several family members, and a compost pile or two."

Responsible Minerals Initiative
Formerly known as the Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative, RMI offers companies and their suppliers an independent, third-party audit that determines which smelters and refiners can be verified as having systems in place to responsibly source minerals. They also offer a Conflict Minerals Reporting Template,...

Community Exchange Systems
The Community Exchange System (CES) is a web service that provides the tools for communities to set up and manage exchange and trade in their areas without using money. It also provides communities with a network that permits them to trade with other communities, wherever they are in the world. The...

LUSH Valley Food Action Society
LUSH Valley is a catalyst for food-related projects, working to strengthen relationships in the local food system and build on individuals’ food skills in an effort to increase self-reliance. Fruit harvesting and farm gleaning remain core programs that supply local food box programs, in addition to...

Solar Cooking Wiki
The Solar Cooking Wiki, sponsored by Solar Cookers International, serves as an interactive knowledgebase to support solar cooking worldwide. This wiki aims to improve and disseminate solar thermal technology for its positive impact on health and environmental degradation. It contains 1,800+ articles...

RegeneraVida is a online platform supporting sustainable communities and regenerative lifestyles in Costa Rica. The website, created by Upward Spirals and offered in both English and Spanish, includes a directory of businesses and organizations, event listings, and discussion forms focusing on sustainable...

One Community
One Community’s purpose is to help people create a better world by creating a solution model that creates solution-creating models for The Highest Good of All. One Community is creating open-source blueprints for a sustainable civilization. These plans are designed to demonstrate and inspire, believing...

Food Forest Canada
Food Forest Canada is a venture by Permaculture Designer and farmer Lindsay Brandon. Specializing in food forest design, vegetable gardening and researching and developing hemp fibre and grain crops in Alberta Canada.

The Commoner’s Catalog for Changemaking: Tools for the Transitions Ahead
Amidst the daunting challenges of our time, there is some great news: The commons is rising. Looking beyond the market and state, commoners are applying their social imaginations and collective power to build a new world of possibilities. The emerging Commonsverse can be seen in relocalized food...

Balkan Ecology Project
The Balkan Ecology Project is a permaculture-inspired, grassroots project based in South Eastern Europe, Bulgaria. It is a family-run project - Paul, Sophie and their two boys Dylan and Archie. Founded 2010 the Balkan Ecology Project aims to develop and promote practices that provide nutritious affordable...

Gaia College
Organic horticulture courses for home gardeners, market gardeners, and landscape professionals. Gardening knowledge and landscape design courses to restore human and environmental health. Established in 2003, Gaia College offers a proven curriculum in Organic Land Care. Online courses start in January,...

Lost Valley Educational Center
Lost Valley Educational Center is a non-profit 501(c)3 in Dexter, Oregon, 20 minutes east of Eugene. They take a holistic approach to sustainability education, engaging students in ecological, social, and personal growth. The center is host to an intentional community inspired by Sociocracy and guided...

Charter for Compassion
A document which urges the peoples and religions of the world to embrace the core value of compassion; founded by Karen Armstrong. On April 26, 2010, Seattle became the first city in the world to affirm the charter. The charter now has thousands of signatories.

O.U.R. Ecovillage
Located on 25 acres near Shawnigan Lake, British Columbia, O.U.R. ECOVILLAGE began with a vision to create a model demonstration sustainable village community rooted in social, ecological, and economic well being. O.U.R. Ecovillage is the host site for O.U.R Community Association, a registered nonprofit...

Young Agrarians
Growing the next generation of farmers and food lovers in Canada!

BC Organic Grower magazine
Published quarterly by Organic BC, the magazine features contributions from organic growers, researchers, educators and professionals from around the province. Started in 1999 the magazine is produced by COABC.

Open Source Seed Initiative
The Open Source Seed Initiative works to maintain fair and open access to plant genetic diversity worldwide. Protecting the freedom of farmers, gardeners, breeders, and future generations to save, replant and share seeds without the threat of privatized intellectual property rights.

PLACE - People Linking Art Community & Ecology
PLACE is a public-serving, experiential learning center to showcase and foster sustainable living practices, urban homesteading, community resiliency & preparedness, social justice and artistic expression. Their goal is to incubate a local sustainability hub to allow people to see solutions in practice;...

Farm Folk City Folk Magazine
Launched in Kelowna, BC, FarmFolk CityFolk Magazine tells the stories of the many British Columbians who are instrumental in developing and preserving the province's food culture. With the notion that food is the cornerstone of civilization and culture, this magazine focuses on four particular areas-food...

Be The Change Charities
Be The Change is a non-profit charity organization run by the band Wookiefoot ( that fund raises in support of international relief projects. The 501c3 charity raises most of these funds through an annual music festival called Project Earth ( that uses 100% of its...

Environment Celebration Institute
ECI offers online classes on biological, regenerative, sustainable and organic agriculture – information that can be used in soil, hydroponic, or soilless growing systems.

Awakeneers’ music centres around honest vocals sweetened with multi-part harmonies and supported by rich acoustic instrumentation. The nomadic band of multi-instrumentalist songwriters segues seamlessly from a foot-stomping fiddle tune to a hip-hop guide to mindfulness; from hilarious satire to heart-wrenching...

Atlan Center
Atlan provides sanctuary for the creation of sustainable culture through the holistic integration of healing, art, and design. Our village demonstrates permaculture and regenerative principles while engaging a network of resonant communities.

Aldinga Arts Ecovillage
The Village concept emerged from the interwoven philosophies of several distinct strands: the arts, Permaculture & environmental sustainability, and the desire to create more cohesive community. Out of this background has come the collective vision for an EcoVillage

Earthen Heart
Earthen Heart is a Permacultural Community Homestead that has been shifting a 20 acre parcel single family rural farm home towards a collective eco-habitat guided by permaculture principles.

Sacred Garden Sanctuary
Sacred Garden Sanctuary is an intentional community dedicated to sustainable farming and lifestyle.

Pickards Mountain Eco-Institute
The Eco-Institute at Pickards Mountain is an Earth Sanctuary and Learning Community dedicated to Healing the Human-Earth Relationship. The educational farm and regenerative sustainability learning center reside on 38 acres in the Piedmont of North Carolina.

Sirius Community
A community founded by former members of Findhorn Community in Scotland wishing to establish a similar community in their American homeland.

Communitecture is a full service architecture firm for commercial and residential projects based out of Portland, Oregon. Focusing on beautiful and sustainable places that bring people together in community and push the ecological design envelope.

BC Home Educators Association
BCHEA is a registered non-profit society dedicated to the protection of the family's freedom to educate children at home with minimal government intervention. BCHEA was registered in 1987 as an umbrella group to represent all home schoolers regardless of their philosophical or religious beliefs. Since...

Comox Valley Home Learners Network
Homeshool support group serving Courtney and the Comox Valley, BC.

North Island Home Learners
Homeschool support group serving Port McNeill and North Vancouver Island, BC

Pender Island Home Learners
Homeschool support group serving Pender Island, BC

A Place to Grow; The Culture of Sudbury Valley School by Daniel Greenberg
In 1968, a group of parents and educators founded Sudbury Valley School based on a clear vision of the individual freedom needed by children to flourish, and of a community governed equally by all its members. This book explores the array of principles and practices that have evolved and make up the...

The Meaning of Education by Daniel Greenberg
In 1968, a group of parents and educators founded Sudbury Valley School based on a clear vision of the individual freedom needed by children to flourish, and of a community governed equally by all its members. The task this book undertakes is to articulate the many strands that, together, form the...

Summerhill by A.S. Neill
Alexander Sutherland Neill (17 October 1883 – 23 September 1973) was a Scottish educator and author known for his school, Summerhill, and its philosophy of freedom from adult coercion and its community self-governance Neill wrote 20 books in his lifetime. Originally published in 1960, Summerhill...

Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriuclum of Compulsory Schooling
John Taylor Gatto's radical treatise on public education continues to bang the drum for an unshackling of children and learning from formal schooling. Now, in an ever-more-rapidly changing world with an explosion of alternative routes to learning, it's poised to continue to shake the world of institutional...

The Underground History of American Education
John Taylor Gatto, invested over 10 years of dedicated research to uncover some of the most alarming ideas and writings by the creators and advocates of mandatory attendance schooling, which show where the system came from and why it was created. He combined these facts with his personal experience as...

How Children Learn by John Holt
John Caldwell Holt was an American author and educator, a proponent of homeschooling and, specifically, the unschooling approach, and a pioneer in youth rights theory. This enduring classic of educational thought offers teachers and parents deep, original insight into the nature of early learning. John...

Teach Your Own: The John Holt Book of Homeschooling
Selection from the book: What is most important and valuable about the home as a base for children's growth into the world is not that it is a better school than the schools but that it isn't a school at all. It is not an artificial place, set up to make "learning" happen and in which nothing except...

Sit Illustrated: So, What's funny about meditation?
Once upon a time, not very long ago, in a land not renowned for its meditative traditions, a small group of spiritual aspirants began learning to “sit” or “meditate”. Although sitting is reputed to have multiple benefits, being funny is not usually mentioned as one of them. Perhaps this is just...

How to Meditate: Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation
The Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation works to continue the mindful teachings and practice of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, support our mindfulness practice centers around the world, and engage in Sangha (community) building in order to foster peace and transform suffering in all people, animals, plants, and...

Build Your Own DIY Composting Toilet Cheaply and Easily
Step by step illustrated instructions from Green Citizen on how to build a composting toilet.

A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction
_ ** A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction**_ is a 1977 book on architecture, urban design, and community livability. It was authored by Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa and Murray Silverstein of the Center for Environmental Structure of Berkeley, California _ "At the core... is the...

Crystal Waters Eco Village
Crystal Waters Permaculture Village in Australia, established in 1987, was the world's first intentional permaculture village and has carried out pioneering work in demonstrating new ways of sustainable, low-impact living. There are over 250 people living in the village of all ages and from diverse...

Seed Savers Exchange
Seed Savers Exchange is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation of heirloom seeds in the United States. Their mission is to: - Connect gardeners and farmers through the world's largest open seed exchange. - Collect, store, and regenerate organic and non-GMO seeds of thousands of rare,...

Weapons of Mass Instruction
John Taylor Gatto's *Weapons of Mass Instruction: A Schoolteacher's Journey Through The Dark World of Compulsory Schooling* argues that the current system of compulsory schooling cripples imagination, discourages critical thinking, and creates a false view of learning as a byproduct of rote memorization...

Ethical Wildcrafting
from the intro: "Wildcrafting is the craft of harvesting medicinal plants from the wild. Humans have been wildcrafting since the dawn of time, but today when medicines are so easily procured, one might question the effort and time required to gather your own. I can assure you that the benefits of harvesting...

Pacific Northwest Medicinal Plants
This comprehensive guide is accessible to everyone, from beginners seeking reliable advice to experienced practitioners on the hunt for new information. Readers will find plant profiles, color photographs, step-by-step instruction for essential herbal remedies, and seasonal foraging tips. This indispensable...

Wikimedia Foundation
The Wikimedia Foundation is the nonprofit organization that supports Wikipedia, the other Wikimedia free knowledge projects.

Business & Entrepreneurship
Creative resources for entrepreneurs, startups, small businesses, and social impact initiatives

Instructables is an online community of people who design and make things, from crafts, cooking, housing, vehicles, machinery and much more — step by step projects submitted from innovators, teachers and life long learners.

The Interfaith Amigos
Imam Jamal Rahman, Pastor Don Mackenzie and Rabbi Ted Falcon — the Interfaith Amigos — started working together after 9/11. Since then, they have brought their unique blend of spiritual wisdom and humor to audiences all over the U.S., as well as Canada, Israel-Palestine, and Japan.

Alderleaf Farm and Wilderness College
A wilderness survival school, permaculture training and outdoor education center. Alderleaf offers courses on wilderness survival, wild edible & medicinal plants, permaculture, wildlife tracking, naturalist skills, and outdoor education in the Pacific Northwest.

BC Farmers’ Market Trail
The BC Farmers’ Market Trail, managed by the BC Association of Farmers' Markets, is a directory of Markets that provide fresh local food in British Columbia.

"Bioneers is an innovative nonprofit educational organization that highlights breakthrough solutions for restoring people and planet. Founded in 1990 in Santa Fe, New Mexico by social entrepreneurs Kenny Ausubel and Nina Simons, Bioneers advances the great transformation underway in human civilization...

Cite Ecologique of New Hampshire
Intentional community

Co-housing sustainable community

Just BioFiber
The Just BioFiber Block building system is based on lego-inspired interlocking hempcrete blocks. The blocks - Are carbon negative to produce, - Absorb greenhouse gasses from the air over their lifespan. - Have a useful lifespan of 100 - 600 years - Are nontoxic and naturally resistant to mold and...

New Society Publishers
New Society Publishers is an activist, solutions-oriented publisher focused on publishing books as tools to help build a new society. Their books focus on tools and insights from leading experts in a range of subjects, including sustainable building, homesteading, climate change, environment, conscientious...

Ethical Consumer
Ethical Consumer is a not-for-profit UK magazine and website which publishes information on the social, ethical and environmental behaviour of companies and issues around trade justice and ethical consumption. It was founded in 1989 by Rob Harrison and Jane Turner.

Folk University
Education for and by the curious folks of Cortes. Folk U is dedicated to bringing Cortes Islanders together to share what they know (and have fun doing it). Folk University is a project of Cortes Literacy in partnership with Cortes Islanders. At a time when our ideas and differences are being used...

Cortes Children's Forest Trust
The Forest Trust for the Children of Cortes Island Society has been formed to purchase Island Timberland forest land holdings immediately adjacent to Carrington Bay Park on Cortes Island. These forest lands will be held in trust for all the children of Cortes Island, in perpetuity. They will offer educational,...

Tree Sisters Reforestation
We fund the planting of trees to restore ecosystems and livelihoods whilst increasing protection against the extremes of climate change in multiple regions of the tropical forest belt. We do this in ways that recreate and restore natural forest ecosystems using indigenous species, fostering local knowledge...

Fraser Valley Free Learners
Fraser Valley Free Learners is an extraordinary schooling environment in which children can learn and develop important lifelong skills such as leadership, public speaking, problem solving, critical thinking, time management, meditation and mindfulness, negotiation, conflict resolution and personal...

Waldorf Education
Waldorf schools offer a developmentally appropriate, experiential, and academically rigorous approach to education. They integrate the arts in all academic disciplines for children from preschool through twelfth grade to enhance and enrich learning. Waldorf education aims to inspire life-long learning...

Zero Waste Manifesto
The Zero Waste Manifesto declares the rules and principles of a zero waste lifestyle--producing and consuming without producing materials that will be discarded into nature and the oceans--by considering the following values: 1. Well-being of Plants and Animals over Consumer Needs and Ease of Use 2....

Living Future Institute
The Living Future institute is an international organization based in Seattle, USA with a wide range of programs focused on social justice and ecological regeneration — including their Living Building Certification and Living Product Certification.

Recordkeeping and History
From the Khan Academy: How We Chronicle the Past Although many species note the passing of time, only our own species, Homo sapiens, is capable of sharing accounts, or memories, of past events and turning these into stories or “histories.”

Oral History Association
Since 1966, the Oral History Association has served as the principal membership organization for people committed to the value of oral history. OHA engages with policy makers, educators, and others to help foster best practices and encourage support for oral history and oral historians. With an international...

Foundation for Intentional Community
The Foundation for Intentional Community is a resource hub for the intentional communities movement, and has over 35 years of partnership with hundreds of intentional communities around the world; envisioning a just, resilient, and cooperative world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive in community. VALUES: ...

Earthlight Permaculture
Bringing food and medicine close to home; using permaculture design to create unique, abundant habitats and nurturing healing spaces: edible landscaping and water-wise gardens; herbal medicine and pollinator gardens; food forests and resilience plantings; fire smart landscaping. Services include consultations,...

Greenways Land Trust
**Enhancing Natural Areas for People and Wildlife** Greenways Land Trust is a registered charity and conservation organization that works to enhance the community through the creation and management of greenways networks, based on principles of stream and land stewardship. They act as an umbrella...

Perishable Food Recovery Program - BC Food Banks
Over $6 Billion of food is wasted in BC every year; healthy food that is sent to landfills, when it could be redirected to feed hungry families. To address the urgent need to reduce this unbearable waste and get more fresh and healthy food onto the tables of British Columbians, Food Banks BC launched...

Farm the Land, Grow the Spirit
Stony Point Center's Farm the Land, Grow the Spirit Summer Institute is a multifaith earthcare program for young adults between the ages of 19 and 29. The program integrates multifaith study in the Jewish, Islamic, and Christian traditions with sustainable agriculture and intentional community living.

Harmony: A New Way of Looking at Our World
Harmony, a book by Prince Charles, Tony Juniper and Ian Skelly, focuses on the environment and interconnections between climate change, architecture and agriculture.

Peace Seeds
**A Planetary Genome Pool Service: Plant Breeding for the Public Domain** Pacific Northwest grown, open pollinated, organic seed. Founder and Director of Research: Alan Kapular. Through Peace Seeds and Peace Seedlings, the Kapulers promote the concepts of public domain plant breeding, wildcrafting...

Parliament of the World's Religions
"The Parliament of the World's Religions was created to cultivate harmony among the world's religious and spiritual communities and foster their engagement with the world and its guiding institutions in order to achieve a just, peaceful and sustainable world."

Creative Commons
Creative Commons helps people legally share thier knowledge and creativity to build a more equitable, accessible, and innovative world with the Creative Commons Licensing standards. With a network of staff, board, and affiliates around the world, Creative Commons provides free, easy-to-use copyright...

Fungi Perfecti
Fungi Perfecti is a company specialized in using mushrooms to improve the health of the planet and its people. Founded by mycologist and author Paul Stamets in 1980, Fungi Perfecti is a family-owned company that is Certified Organic by the Washington State Department of Agriculture.

LeCase is both an English acronym and an Italian word that means

Glen Valley Organic Farm
The Glen Valley Organic Farm Co-operative (GVOFC) is a community of individuals who have come together with the goal of sharing, owning and operating Glen Valley Organic Farm. The Co-operative uses a consensus model of decision-making, ensuring that all members have a voice.

IDEAL Society
Shared collective life in the beautiful mountains of southeastern British Columbia forms an experimental framework and environment in which to grow in harmony with nature, while contributing to the well-being of the group and larger community in a spirit of sustainable development.

Clearwater Commons
The Clearwater Commons is an intentional, ecologically-responsible residential community. The physical design of the community represents the underlying values of community and low-impact development. Pedestrian walkways, community gardens, benches, shared tool sheds and play spaces reflect the desire...

Belfast Cohousing and Ecovillage
An intentional, collaborative housing in which residents actively participate in the design and operation. A significant portion of the property set aside for agricultural purposes and an on-site CSA, the Little River Farm. These super-insulated houses are designed to be

Thus Spoke the Plant
The story of a scientist’s discovery of plant communication and how it influenced her research and changed her life. In this “phytobiography”–a collection of stories written in partnership with a plant–research scientist Monica Gagliano reveals the dynamic role plants play in genuine first-hand...

David Holmgren
Co-originator (1978) of Permaculture design system for sustainable living and land use, ecological builder and farmer, author, teacher and activist.

Sunny Brae Farm
Sunny Brae Farm presented with a Century Farm Award for the contributions the family has made to B.C.’s agriculture industry and economy over the past one hundred years. Founded in 1888, the 115 acre farm is owned and run by third-generation Mike Manson and his wife Donna. The farm has been in production...

Blossoms Raw Chocolate
Blossoms Raw Cacao is handcrafted made with organic and wild harvested superfoods. All the chocolates contain superior grade ceremonial cacao hand harvested in the forest of Ecuador. Left to ferment in the sun it retains its full nutritional and antioxidant qualities. The fermentation adds a unique flavor...

Teemill Organic Clothing
Circular Fashion.Our new products are made from our old products, which are designed from the start to be sent back when they are worn out. This is the circular economy for clothing. Certified organic, solar powered UK factory. Leading supplier to national charities & business. Our products and packaging...

Nanaimo Community Home Learners (NCHL)
Nanaimo Community Home Learners is a collection of families in and around Nanaimo who support one another on their homeschooling journeys. NCHL’s current membership includes over 60 diverse families from Nanaimo, Gabriola Island, Ladysmith, Duncan, Lantzville, Parksville, and Qualicum Beach. Support...

The Seventeen Traditions
"Activist, humanitarian, and former presidential candidate Ralph Nader looks back at his small-town Connecticut childhood and the traditions and values that shaped his progressive worldview. ... In a time of widespread national dissatisfaction and disillusionment that has given rise to new dissent characterized...

Climate Music Project
Combining the talents and expertise of world class scientists, composers, musicians, artists, and technology visionaries, the Climate Music Project enables the creation and staging of science-guided music and visual experiences to inspire people to engage actively on the issue of climate change. Each...

Demeter International
Demeter International is the largest certification organization for biodynamic agriculture, and is one of three predominant organic certifiers. Demeter Biodynamic Certification is used in over 50 countries to verify that biodynamic products meet international standards in production and processing. The...

Natural Dharma Fellowship
Founder and Spiritual Director and Buddhist Climate Activist, Lama Willa Miller. Natural Dharma Fellowship is a Buddhist community that supports the transmission and cultivation of contemplative and ethical practices for a better world. We believe that the inner development of compassion and wisdom facilitates...

Robert Fisk
Robert Fisk is an English writer and journalist. An Arabic speaker, Fisk has lived in Beirut since 1976. Fisk is a pacifist and has never voted. He has said that journalism must "challenge authority, all authority, especially so when governments and politicians take us to war."

Chris Hedges
An American journalist specializing in American politics and society; Harvard Divinity School (M.Div); spent 15 years as a foreign correspondent for The New York Times. He was based in the Middle East for five years.

The Contrary Farmer
By Gene Logsdon, this collection of essays recommends cottage farming, the small-scale, part-time growing that aims to reduce food expenses and increase pleasure in living in a "tone that combines pragmatism, idealism ("Measure the value of products in human terms,") and impatient realism ('Let those...

The Golden Rule Project
"The mission of the Golden Rule Project is to increase awareness and the practice of compassion, kindness, and peace by sharing the universal principle of the Golden Rule through education, programming, and partnerships. The Golden Rule Project is not religious, not political, and not associated with...

The Berry Center
Challenging the industrial agriculture system, The Berry Center advances a holistic, "whole horse" approach that takes nature as its measure, consults the genius of the place, and accepts no harm to the ecosphere. Addressing what it will take to "revive farm economies, good land use, and vitality" for...

United Religions Initiative
"The purpose of the United Religions Initiative is to promote enduring, daily interfaith cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence and to create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings."

Creatively United for the Planet
The Creatively United for the Planet Society is a non-profit collective that brings together and showcases individuals, local businesses, organizations, institutions committed to improving the quality of life on Vancouver Island.

Chatam Marketplace
Pittsboro, US organic food store.

Keller Texas Produce Co-op
Keller, US organic food store.

Karma Co-op
Karma Co-op is a non-profit food co-operative that stocks a wide range of zero-waste products, local and organic produce, bulk products and household products.

Maple City Market
Goshen, US organic food store.

North Coast Co-op, Eureka
Eureka, US organic food store.

Maryland Food Co-op
College Park, US organic food store.

Hanover Co-op Food Store
Hanover, US organic food store.

Lexington Co-operative Market
Buffalo, US organic food store.

Big Hollow Food Coop
Laramie, US organic food store.

Bloomingfoods Market & Deli
Bloomington, US organic food store.

West Central Illinois Food Cooperative
Galesburg, US organic food store.

Harmony Food Co-op
Bemidji, US organic food store.

Common Ground Food Co-op
Urbana, US organic food store.

Seminole Natural Foods
Longwood, US organic food store.

Upper Valley Food Co-op
White River Junction, US organic food store.

Akron Cooperative Market
Akron, US organic food store.

Olympia Food Co-op - East
Olympia, US organic food store.

Port Townsend Food Co-op
Established in 1972, the Port Townsend Food Co-op is a full-service organic foods market providing affordable organic foods. The Co-op has more than 6,000 active owner-members and it employs about 100 community.

Wintergreen Food Coop
Albert Lea, US organic food store.

Weaver Street Market
Carrboro, US organic food store.

Puget Consumers' Co-op - Kirkland
Kirkland, US organic food store.

Happy Healthy Human Organic Produce Coop/Buying Club
Indialantic, US organic food store.

White River Co-op
Randolph, US organic food store.

Valley Market
Staunton, US organic food store.

Neighborhood Co-op Grocery
Carbondale, US organic food store.

Better Foods Co-op
Chattanooga, US organic food store.

Good Tern Natural Foods Co-op
Rockland, US organic food store.

People's Food Co-op of Kalamazoo
Kalamazoo, US organic food store.

SDA Coop
Sterling, US organic food store.

Amazing Grains Natural Food Market
Grand Forks, US organic food store.

Huajatollas Food Co-op
Gardner, US organic food store.

Chadron Natural Food Co-op
Chadron, US organic food store.

Wild Oats Cooperative
Williamstown, US organic food store.

Seward Co-op Grocery & Deli
Minneapolis, US organic food store.

Grain Train Natural Food Market
Petoskey, US organic food store.

Plainfield Cooperative Buying Club
Plainfield, US organic food store.

Crumb's Bakery
Athens, US organic food store.

Rainbow Health Foods
Richmond, US organic food store.

Adamant Co-op
Adamant, US organic food store.

Sussex County Food Co-op
Newton, US organic food store.

Jura Books Food Co-op
South Wales, US organic food store.

Phoenix Earth Food Co-op
Toledo, US organic food store.

Organic Alaska
Anchorage, US organic food store.

Sevananda Food Co-op
Atlanta, US organic food store.

North County Cooperative Grocery
Minneapolis, US organic food store.

Farmer Dave's
Dracut, US organic food store.

Linden Hills Food Co-op
Minneapolis, US organic food store.

Everybody's Healthfood Market
Long Prairie, US organic food store.

Puget Consumers' Co-op - Fremont
Seattle, US organic food store.

Twin Pines Food Co-op - Thrift Shop- Kayak Club
Port Washington, US organic food store.

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