The Creative Culture Guide
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About the Creative Culture Guide


The Creative Culture Guide

An Urgent and Audacious Vision

Millions of people are waking up to the fact that today's destructive industrial culture cannot go on. Humanity urgently needs to come into harmony with life on Earth.

The problems we face can be overwhelming, but at the same time — solutions abound.

For every crisis facing humanity there are countless dedicated and inspired people indefatigably pioneering creative alternatives.

What if we could create a platform that would pull together all these solutions into one place and make them accessible to the entire population of the planet?

The Beautifully Interconnected Creative Culture Guide

Everything Touches Everything Else

Everything on planet earth is interconnected in one mind-blowing extended ecosystem.

Just as natural systems are interdependent, real solutions need to be integrated within a holistic harmonious bigger picture.

The information in the Creative Culture Guide is interconnected in a dynamic network of 2171 unique connections, illuminating the intricate network of opportunities and solutions in an artfully explorable mandala.

The Compendious and Unbiased Creative Culture Guide

Focusing on the Solution

Rather than focusing on problems, the purpose of the guide is to be a concise and complete overview of very best in all areas of sustainable living, providing a comprehensive road map for regenerative culture.

The Global and Local Creative Culture Guide

Global Vision — Local Action

Universal principles of right living provide a framework for grassroots, on-the-ground resources. Local sustainability luminaries and enthusiasts curate resources and networks in their own regions.

The Creative Culture Guide

An Open Platform for Community-Sourced Wisdom

Our dedicated team of volunteers has already gathered more than 1800 resources from around the globe making The Guide a solid tool for sustainability education.

But this is only the beginning.

The Guide is built on an intuitive collaboration platform where everything is editable by members.

Be Part of the Solution

If you agree with the Creative Culture Standards and know of something that should be represented, we'd like your input!

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