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Art & Culture
Creative artistic endeavour and practices of cultural evolution and well being

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Creative Culture
Best practices for an enlightened and sustainable society. All life is sacred. Each cell in a body is part of the whole body. In the same way, every living being on earth lives by giving and receiving within the living planetary body. Every and all life is interwoven in the living fabric of life on this...

Family & Kinship
Creative approaches to optimizing multi- generational family and kinship The fundamental cradle for the genesis of culture, family cultures procreate the components of village culture. The varieties of successful and fulfilling family mandalas bear witness to the diverse spiritual eco-systems of divine...

Creative Culture Karma
Info about the creative culture karma score and how to win prizes by contributing.

A Place to Grow; The Culture of Sudbury Valley School by Daniel Greenberg
In 1968, a group of parents and educators founded Sudbury Valley School based on a clear vision of the individual freedom needed by children to flourish, and of a community governed equally by all its members. This book explores the array of principles and practices that have evolved and make up the...

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Creative Culture Map
Map of sustainability resources

Surviving the Future: Culture, Carnival and Capital in the Aftermath of the Market Economy by David Fleming
Fleming worked for thirty years to produce a massive book Lean Logic: A Dictionary for the Future and How to Survive It, which was finished just before his death in 2010 and published by Chelsea Green in 2016. Many core themes of that book were skillfully distilled (by his colleague Shaun Chamberlin)...

Wild Fermentation: The Flavor, Nutrition, and Craft of Live-Culture Foods, 2nd Edition
The Book That Started the Fermentation Revolution Sandor Ellix Katz, winner of a James Beard Award and New York Times bestselling author, whom Michael Pollan calls the “Johnny Appleseed of Fermentation” returns to the iconic book that started it all, but with a fresh perspective, renewed enthusiasm,...

Farm Folk City Folk Magazine
Launched in Kelowna, BC, FarmFolk CityFolk Magazine tells the stories of the many British Columbians who are instrumental in developing and preserving the province's food culture. With the notion that food is the cornerstone of civilization and culture, this magazine focuses on four particular areas-food...

Home and Family
Excerpts from the Home and Temple Handbook by R. Francis: PROCREATIVE FAMILY: “The fundamental cradle for the genesis of culture, family cultures procreate the components of village culture.” AUSPICIOUS PARTNERSHIP: “Making the perfect match— a matter of major consequence for the individual,...

Making and listening to music and song are a traditional element in daily life of a balanced culture Music seems to be one of the most ancient forms of creative expression. It is a part of every indigenous culture in the world and a capacity of many animal species. It can heal and inspire. It can be...

Education & Learning
Optimizing individual and collective human potential through right education and learning To fulfil its covenant, a creative culture must achieve the effective education of each successive generation of youngers to enable them to meet and overcome the challenges they will have to face.

Decision Making & Governance
Systems of just and sustainable decision making, leadership, responsibility, and regulation STANDARDS OF LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE — SECULAR & SACRED For a creative culture to survive and properly discharge its sacred obligation to the living planet, its originators must implement an effective method...

Spirituality & Faith
Inspiration, Faith & Practice Appreciation of the spiritual nature of life is at the core of Creative Culture.  Spiritual reality is hard to prove empirically, but the materialist attitude that nothing is sacred also lacks scientific proof — and has demonstrated itself to be existentially dangerous....

Principles & Ethics
The core principles of creative culture and what makes them work ** Life is Precious** Each cell in a body is part of the whole body. In the same way, every living being on earth lives by giving and receiving within the living planetary body. Every and all lives and all of their diverse possibilities,...

Creative Culture guidelines for holistically positive global ecosystem impact ### Life Honoring Compassionately responsible for impacts on all living beings. ### Sustainable Only using sustainably renewable resource and energy sources. ### Efficient Minimal resource and energy use. ###...

Newest Resources
Most recent additions to the Creative Culture Guide, including local sustainability resources and holistic guides to sustainable living and best practices.

Wild Bee Florals
Wild Bee Florals is a creative pursuit in connecting science, art and culture together as an offering to the community. With regenerative farming guiding the growing principles, they aim to be an ethical brand that doesn’t compromise on style and focuses solely on flowers grown in BC.

Pachamama Alliance
Pachamama Alliance's mission is to work with Indigenous people to protect the Amazon and inspire individuals everywhere to bring forth a thriving, just, and sustainable world.

Orion Magazine
Orion brings ideas, writers, photographers, and artists together, focused on nature, the environment, and culture, addressing environmental and societal issues. Orion is published by the Orion Society, a non-profit. The magazine is ad-free, and entirely supported by subscriptions and donations.

The Guthrie Center
Founded by Arlo Guthrie to honor the legacy of his parents, Woody Guthrie and Marjorie Mazia-Guthrie, the Guthrie Foundation seeks to cultivate cultural preservation, promote educational achievement and foster community outreach to meet the ongoing needs of the community. The Guthrie Center was founded...

Best practices for the process of introducing a human being to the world outside the womb. In the culture of sacred ways, birthing, conception and dying are matters of the spirit in the context of family life. They are intrinsically matters of individual will and destiny. They deserve the utmost respect...

Life Honouring
Care, respect, and compassion for all living beings Each cell in a body is part of the whole body. In the same way, every living being on earth lives by giving and receiving within the living planetary body. All lives are interwoven in the living fabric of life on this planet, therefore a creative culture...

Optimizing resilience by including diverse elements in a system Natural and human systems are more resilient to change when they include diversity. For example, mono-culture farm crops are vulnerable to predators and disease and have deleterious long term effect on soil quality in ways that inter-planted...

Evidence Based
Verifiably accurate and effective Functional creative culture needs to be based on accurate understanding and reliable systems. Ideas should to be verified and proven before being widely adopted. Conjecture, personal opinion, and preferences need to be recognized for what they are.

Visual Arts
Visual art is a fundamental component of society and the human experience, illuminating and increasing the understanding of history, culture, personal lives and the experience of others.

Face-to-face, storytelling, written, digital, social media, journalism, visual or performing arts — clear, honest and effective communication is an essential element of effective culture

Providing unbiased equivalent opportunity for all participants In a just society, all individuals are given an equal the opportunity to thrive and be treated with respect and fairness. ## Unbiased Equivalence of Opportunity The circumstances of an individual's birth — including race, culture, economic...

The Festival of What Works
The Festival of What Works is a unique, days-long, online celebration of community-led approaches to living well in place here in Salmon Nation—from the northern California coast to the slopes of Alaska and between. We spotlight who and what you need to know to build a bioregion where people, culture...

Atlan Center
Atlan provides sanctuary for the creation of sustainable culture through the holistic integration of healing, art, and design. Our village demonstrates permaculture and regenerative principles while engaging a network of resonant communities.

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New Society Publishers
New Society Publishers is an activist, solutions-oriented publisher focused on publishing books as tools to help build a new society. Their books focus on tools and insights from leading experts in a range of subjects, including sustainable building, homesteading, climate change, environment, conscientious...

Creative Commons
Creative Commons helps people legally share thier knowledge and creativity to build a more equitable, accessible, and innovative world with the Creative Commons Licensing standards. With a network of staff, board, and affiliates around the world, Creative Commons provides free, easy-to-use copyright...

Creatively United for the Planet
The Creatively United for the Planet Society is a non-profit collective that brings together and showcases individuals, local businesses, organizations, institutions committed to improving the quality of life on Vancouver Island.

Center for Earth Ethics
The Center for Earth Ethics is an educational non-profit that runs programs aimed at transitioning to a society where value is measured according to the sustained well-being of all people and our planet. The CCE focus on cultivating the public consciousness needed to make changes in policy and culture...

Radical Simplicity: Small Footprints on a Finite Earth
by Jim Merkel and Vicki Robin; New Society Publishers, 2003 In the face of looming ecological disaster, many people feel the need to change their lifestyles as a tangible way of transforming our unsustainable culture. _Radical Simplicity _ is the first book that guides the reader to a personal sustainability...

Transfarmation Farm
Transfarmation... More than farming: Growing Cultural Change. We can transform our communities, our society and, ultimately our culture, by transforming the way we think, live, work, play and eat. By using practical permaculture and bio-intensive methods to grow 16,000 pounds of vegetables and fruit...

Art Wolfe, Nature and Cultural Photographer
Art Wolfe is an American photographer and conservationist, best known for color images of landscapes, wildlife, and native cultures. His photographs document scenes from every continent and hundreds of locations, and have been noted by environmental advocacy groups for their "stunning" visual impact.

Localharvest CSA directory
For over 25 years, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) has become a popular way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. Here are the basics: a farmer offers a certain number of "shares" to the public. Typically the share consists of a box of vegetables, but other farm products...

Grow Mushrooms Canada
A small family-owned company that grows mushrooms in Sayward BC on Vancouver Island and is shipped with care across Canada. Mushroom kits are grown on organic Canadian rye and bran and pure sawdust. Cultures are guaranteed to be healthy, contaminant-free and capable of producing high yields of mushrooms...

How to Make Your Own Worm Farm - Vermiculture
Working Worms - Learn how to make a worm farm, and convert organic waste into fresh useful compost with an easy DIY method.

Lost Valley Educational Center
Lost Valley Educational Center is a non-profit 501(c)3 in Dexter, Oregon, 20 minutes east of Eugene. They take a holistic approach to sustainability education, engaging students in ecological, social, and personal growth. The center is host to an intentional community inspired by Sociocracy and guided...

Worm Farm
Geoff Lawton demonstrates setting up an outdoor worm farm using an old sink, setup harvesting and feed stocks

Ontario Wildflowers - Native Species
A list of Ontario Native Wildflower species found on this site, in order by the Common Name. The distinction of Native and Non-native species is sometimes not clearcut. For the purposes of this website various sources are used. Generally speaking, a species is considered to be non-native if it did not...

What is Caretaking?
Caretaking is all about healing and caring for the Earth. It is about healing the damage that we humans have done to the Earth, as well as preventing and minimizing further damage and interference. As well, we have an inherent role to play on this planet to work in harmony with nature and help it to...

Cortes Community Resilience
Working for a hopeful future by growing community resilience, deepening connectedness, increasing local self-sufficiency, and reducing dependence on fossil fuels. Cortes Community Resilience holds monthly gatherings for fellowship, discussion, and planning around the mission. Through newsletters...

Throne Composting toilet DIY
Make Your Own Composting Toilet For a fraction of the cost of most composting toilets on the market, you can build a your own that is easy to use, easy to clean, keeps smells away, and fits with your bathroom decor. There’s a cheaper and more convenient composting toilet option! Throne Composting toilet...

Cultural Survival
Cultural Survival works toward a future that respects and honors Indigenous Peoples' inherent rights and dynamic cultures, deeply and richly interwoven in lands, languages, spiritual traditions, and artistic expression, rooted in self-determination and self-governance.

Gary Snyder
Perhaps best known as a poet (often associated with the Beat Generation and the San Francisco Renaissance), he is also an essayist, lecturer, and environmental activist. He has been described as the "poet laureate of Deep Ecology".

Living Mandala
The mission of Living Mandala is to serve, empower, and promote holistic educators and organizations in order to increase awareness of their work, to create educational programs, to catalyze project activities that implement ecologically and socially regenerative practices of human beings living in greater...

Sustainable Living Stack Exchange
Sustainable Living Stack Exchange is a fact based question and answer website dedicated to questions about living an ecologically sustainable lifestyle that can be maintained indefinitely without depleting the earth's resources.

The Global Earth Repair Foundation
Global Earth Repair is about building a grass-roots, locally-managed restoration mass movement to regreen the planet and recarbonize the soil.  The organization was founded by Michael Pilarski in 2019 with the first Global Earth Repair Conference held in Port Townsend Washington bringing together...

Standard Ebooks
Standard Ebooks is a volunteer driven, not-for-profit project that produces new editions of public domain ebooks that are lovingly formatted, open source, and free. Standard Ebooks takes ebooks from sources like Project Gutenberg, formats and typesets them using a carefully designed and professional-grade...

Be The Change Charities
Be The Change is a non-profit charity organization run by the band Wookiefoot ( that fund raises in support of international relief projects. The 501c3 charity raises most of these funds through an annual music festival called Project Earth ( that uses 100% of its...

Born to Run
Author Christopher McDougall take readers on exciting and informative adventure through the history, culture, and science of long-distance running.

Awakeneers’ music centres around honest vocals sweetened with multi-part harmonies and supported by rich acoustic instrumentation. The nomadic band of multi-instrumentalist songwriters segues seamlessly from a foot-stomping fiddle tune to a hip-hop guide to mindfulness; from hilarious satire to heart-wrenching...

East Is East
East is East is a dream borne from the minds and hearts of Mustafa and Razaviah, siblings of Afghan descent. Escaping Afghanistan as a family during the soviet war, they relocated in India and traveled throughout the country absorbing the culture through it's language, art and cuisine. Upon migrating...

Recordkeeping and History
From the Khan Academy: How We Chronicle the Past Although many species note the passing of time, only our own species, Homo sapiens, is capable of sharing accounts, or memories, of past events and turning these into stories or “histories.”

Oral History Association
Since 1966, the Oral History Association has served as the principal membership organization for people committed to the value of oral history. OHA engages with policy makers, educators, and others to help foster best practices and encourage support for oral history and oral historians. With an international...

Climate Music Project
Combining the talents and expertise of world class scientists, composers, musicians, artists, and technology visionaries, the Climate Music Project enables the creation and staging of science-guided music and visual experiences to inspire people to engage actively on the issue of climate change. Each...

Robert Fisk
Robert Fisk is an English writer and journalist. An Arabic speaker, Fisk has lived in Beirut since 1976. Fisk is a pacifist and has never voted. He has said that journalism must "challenge authority, all authority, especially so when governments and politicians take us to war."

Chris Hedges
An American journalist specializing in American politics and society; Harvard Divinity School (M.Div); spent 15 years as a foreign correspondent for The New York Times. He was based in the Middle East for five years.

Luke Wallace
Luke Wallace is a folk musician and coastal advocate from Coast Salish Territory, Canada. Luke's music is a platform for the voices of communities organizing to protect the systems that help them thrive.

Directory of Regional Biodynamic Groups
Listing of regional biodynamic groups for local advisory referrals, apprenticeship, training, or conference/workshop opportunities.

Play Is More than Just Fun
A pioneer in research on play, in this Ted Talk, Dr. Stuart Brown says humor, games, roughhousing, flirtation and fantasy are more than just fun. Plenty of play in childhood makes for happy, smart adults -- and keeping it up can make us smarter at any age.

John "Eesawu" Kimmey
If there was an appropriate term to describe the lifeworks of John "Eesawu" Kimmey it would be as a 'seedplanter.' He had an innate characteristic of a visionary/community developer, working for years with the native people of the American Southwest. John became a student of the elders of the Hopi village...

Das Geotheanum
The Goetheanum, a weekly for anthroposophy Founded in 1921 by Rudolf Steiner and Albert Steffen. ISSN: 1422-7622 "Anthroposophy is a path of knowledge, to guide the Spiritual in the human being to the Spiritual in the universe. It arises in man as a need of the heart, of the life of feeling; and...

Cumberland Museum & Archives
The Cumberland Museum and Archives (CMA) on Vancouver Island tells the story of the people of Cumberland — the rich, the poor, the powerful, the rebellious, the righteous and the radical. Well known as an early coal mining town Cumberland, has a unique and diverse history. The CMA’s exhibits and...

Terry Tempest Williams
An American author, conservationist and activist. Williams' writing is rooted in the American West ; contributing ed. Orion

Musicians without Borders
An organization dedicated to "using the power of music to bridge divides, connect communities, and heal the wounds of war." Musicians without Borders runs music programs in conflict areas in Africa, the Middle East, and Europe.

Do it for the Love Foundation
Do It For The Love is a non-profit wish-granting organization (founded by Michael Franti) that brings people living with life-threatening illnesses, children with severe challenges and wounded veterans to live concerts. To date, 2018, they have coordinated over 1,000 concert and music experiences for...

Music Heals
Music Heals Charitable Foundation is dedicated to raising awareness of the healing powers of music. The Organization supports a wide range of music therapy services in BC and across Canada aiming increase access to music therapy for patients in children's hospitals, senior's centres, palliative care,...

The Co-Intelligence Institute
The Co-Intelligence Institute (CII) is a non-profit organization that promotes awareness of co-intelligence and the tools and ideas that can be used to increase it. The CII explores the integrated application of these tools to democratic renewal, community problems, organizational transformation, national...

Francesca Baines
Music by Francesca Baines and 'muse-ecology': slow touring and regenerative design for the music trade.

Abraham Jam
A Muslim, a Jew, and a Christian walk into a concert hall… Abraham Jam is a trio of internationally-renowned musicians who have teamed up to create music that is strengthened by the differences they bring to the table. Amidst divisiveness and alienation, Abraham Jam believes in the healing power of...

Permaculture Research Institute
The Permaculture Research Institute (PRI) is located on a Permaculture demonstration site in The Channon NSW, and is headed by Geoff & Nadia Lawton. We specialize in education & training worldwide. We also provide daily Permaculture news and information via The Permaculture Research...

Dahr Jamail
Dahr Jamail is a staff reporter for Truthout, currently focusing on issues of climate change. His most recent book is " The End of Ice: Bearing Witness and Finding Meaning in the Path of Climate Disruption" (The New Press, 2019). He lives and works in Port Townsend, Washington. is a collaborative database of creative-commons licensed sound for musicians and sound lovers.

IMSLP Petrucci Music Library
IMSLP (International Music Score Library Project) is an online repository of free and public domain sheet music with over 145,146 works, including many iconic classical pieces, freely available to anyone. Launched in 2006, the IMSLP MediaWiki website is owned and run by Project Petrucci LLC, a company...

Biodynamic Association
The BDA is a participatory, membership-based nonprofit organization that works to nurture the North American biodynamic movement as a diverse, collaborative, and thriving ecosystem. We help thousands of new people understand and practice biodynamics, bringing health to the land and vitality to the food...

Gaia University
Gaia University offers a blended system of online, guided course-work combined with on-the-ground, hands-on project work. They are a institution of higher learning that offers mentoring, online courses, diploma certificate programs, and externally-accredited Bachelors of Science and Masters of Science...

Marnie’s Books
An independent book store on Cortes Island with a great selection of books, including many titles on sustainable living, social justice, and environmentalism. The store is solar powered and wood heated.

Rise Up Singing
Rise Up Singing is a group singing songbook containing lyrics, chords and sources to 1200 songs from a wide variety of genres from Beatles to Broadway, from Bob Dylan to traditional ballads. It has sold around a million copies since it came out in 1988 and is considered "the bible" in folk music and...

Healthyway Natural Foods
A natural food store and cafe in Campbell River, B.C.

Cortes Radio | CKTZ 89.5 fm
The Cortes Island Radio Society was formed in 2004 by a small group of believers. Out of this came CORTES COMMUNITY RADIO. Licensed in October of 2011, broadcasting at 80 watts from a height of approximately 400 feet above sea level. They feature many live locally made programs as well as a very eclectic...

The Fes Festival of World Sacred Music
Fes Festival of World Sacred Music (Fès des Musiques Sacrées) is a crossroads for the creative seekers of the world. You’ll experience the serendipity of a rencontres, a musical blending of various nationalities, faiths and music genres, such that a Balinese gamelan orchestra could be connected with...

Wallace Violins
Artisan violin maker in Powel River, BC

The Victoria Folk Music Society
One of BC’s longest running folk clubs, the VFMS is a Victoria legend, hosting a live evening of folk music every Sunday since the 1970s! The evening starts with an open jam which is followed by an open stage and then a feature band. Admission is $7.

Dances of Universal Peace
From the beginning of time, sacred movement, song and story have brought people together - at times of seasonal ceremony and celebration, as part of everyday life and life passages, in daily renewal and meditation. The Dances of Universal Peace are part of this timeless tradition of Sacred Dance.

Internet Archive
Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library offering free access to millions of books, movies, computer programs, and musical works, as well as an archive of 349 billion web pages.

Robert Bateman
Canadian painter, environmentalist, naturalist. In 1999, the Audubon Society of Canada declared Bateman one of the top 100 environmental proponents of the 20th century. His work is supported by the Bateman Foundation, a charity whose mandate is to "challenge the public and society's leaders to a new...

Island Light Photography
Island Light provides nature photography products and services with a commitment to ethical and environmentally sound practices, treating plants and animals with respect and using sustainable materials in their products.

Cortes Museum & Archives Society
The Cortes Island Museum & Archives is a place to reflect on the rich social and natural history of Cortes Island. The Cortes Island Museum building began life in 1946 as a family store at the head of Manson’s Landing dock. A nearby mill in the lagoon supplied the lumber. When this area became a...

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