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78 items for earth (Page 1 of 1)

Earth: A Graphic Look at the State of the World
**A concise and comprehensive overview of the state of the planet and humanity.** Earth's ecological and human systems are in severe crisis. Although there is a wealth of information available, much of it is fragmented. The convergence of issues facing the earth are so interrelated that most of them...

The Global Earth Repair Foundation
Global Earth Repair is about building a grass-roots, locally-managed restoration mass movement to regreen the planet and recarbonize the soil.  The organization was founded by Michael Pilarski in 2019 with the first Global Earth Repair Conference held in Port Townsend Washington bringing together...

Rewilding Water & Earth Inc.
Specializing in wetland and stream restoration including site assessment and restoration design, permitting, project management and construction supervision. Rewilding Water and Earth Inc. works with governments, municipalities, NGO's, schools, and private clients to restore wetlands and streams —...

Michael Pilarski
Michael Pilarski, Founder and Director of Friends of the Trees Society. Michael is a life-long student of plants and earth repair. His farming career started in 2nd grade and his organic farming career began in 1972 at age 25. Michael founded Friends of the Trees Society in 1978 and took his first permaculture...

Port Townsend EcoVillage
Port Townsend EcoVillage is a community of people living in harmony with each other and the earth.

Five Principles of Green Burial
An overview of 5 criteria for Green Burial: - no embalming, - direct earth burial, - ecological restoration & conservation, - communal memorialization, - optimized land use.

The School Of Forest Medicine
Healing these interconnected individual, societal, and planetary ailments requires a fundamental shift in the way we relate to life. The School of Forest Medicine’s one-on-one healing sessions, classes, courses, and initiatory trips provide opportunities to help us remember our essential bond with...

A software product that's intended to help organizations make collective decisions more smoothly, identifying areas of greatest agreement among a range of possible outcomes.

The Bolivian Declaration of Mother Earth's Rights
Mother Earth being a living being, of which all life forms, both animate and inanimate are part, and aware of its benefits for living well — in good health — we assume the responsibility and the generational role in cultivating balance and harmony in our lives and with our Mother Earth. We call...

Green Burial Canada
An overview of 5 essential criteria for Green Burial: - no embalming, - direct earth burial, - ecological restoration & conservation, - communal memorialization, - optimized land use.

Demeter USA
Demeter USA is the American certifier of Biodynamic farms and products. Biodynamic agriculture goes beyond organic, envisioning the farm as a self-contained and self-sustaining organism. In an effort to keep the farm, the farmer, the consumer, and the earth healthy, farmers avoid chemical pesticides...

EcoNest provides resources and training for building natural homes using timber frame and clay-straw. EcoNests are designed to be long lasting sustainable and ecological homes incorporating timber-frame, straw-clay walls, earth plasters, and natural non-toxic finishes.

Mother Earth News
Among the most popular and longest-running sustainable-lifestyle magazines in the USA, Mother Earth News provides editorial coverage of organic foods, country living, green transportation, renewable energy, natural health, and green building.

Climate Hope Gathering
Coming to terms with the climate crisis may be the most important work humanity needs to do in order to address our changing climate reality.Together we will call forth our creativity and find new pathways for thriving in the climate era. At Climate Hope, participants will gather in community to...

Food Forest Canada
Food Forest Canada is a venture by Permaculture Designer and farmer Lindsay Brandon. Specializing in food forest design, vegetable gardening and researching and developing hemp fibre and grain crops in Alberta Canada.

Sisters of the Earth
"Sisters of Earth was founded in 1994 by several Catholic Sisters from the US and Canada who were engaged in exploring the new cosmology and implications for this emerging worldview. Sisters of Earth is an informal network of women who share a deep concern for the ecological and spiritual crises of our...

Planet Earth
Planet Earth is a 2006 British television series produced by the BBC Natural History Unit. The series has eleven episodes, each of which features a global overview of a different biome or habitat on Earth, narrated by David Attenborough.

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
A Sufi teacher in the Naqshbandiyya-Mujaddidiyya Sufi Orderand author of: Spiritual Ecology, The Cry of the Earth.

Kiss the Ground
Kiss the Ground is a feature-length documentary focusing on regenerating the world’s soils. It shows that it's possible to rapidly stabilize Earth’s climate, restore lost ecosystems and create abundant food supplies through regenerative agriculture.

The Earth Ship Constitutional Principles
The Earth Ship Constitutional Principles were formulated in 1996 in a collective effort to define a consistent set of global principles which include the recognition of the basic ‘rights’ of ALL life forms, in harmonious balance with human beings. **“LIFE IS MOST PRECIOUS”** is the first and...

Earth Microbiome Project
The Earth Microbiome Project (EMP) is an initiative to collect natural samples and to analyze the microbial community around the globe.

Dr. Bronner's All-One!
Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps is an American producer of organic soap and personal care products. The company is structured after the 6 principles that guide Dr. Bronner’s All-One mission: Work hard and grow, do right by customers, treat employees like family, be fair to suppliers, treat the earth like...

Center for Earth Ethics
The Center for Earth Ethics is an educational non-profit that runs programs aimed at transitioning to a society where value is measured according to the sustained well-being of all people and our planet. The CCE focus on cultivating the public consciousness needed to make changes in policy and culture...

The Earth Charter
The Earth Charter is an ethical framework for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century. It seeks to inspire in all people a new sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility for the well-being of the whole human family, the greater community of life, and...

Earth Passengers
Earth Passengers‘ Permaculture Education Center is a developing home and classroom on one hectare of land situated between Dulan Mountain and the Pacific Ocean. The journey over the past few years has been applying permaculture design to transform a worn-out rice paddy to a thriving garden, food forest...

Democracy Earth Foundation
Foundation building blockchain-based distributed governance and collective decision making software.

Earthship Biotecture
Earthship is a type of house built with natural and recycled materials with energy conservation in mind. It is designed to produce water, electricity and food for its own use. Earthship basic design principles take advantage of the existing natural phenomena of the earth, building with natural and re-purposed...

Creative Culture
Best practices for an enlightened and sustainable society. All life is sacred. Each cell in a body is part of the whole body. In the same way, every living being on earth lives by giving and receiving within the living planetary body. Every and all life is interwoven in the living fabric of life on this...

Principles & Ethics
The core principles of creative culture and what makes them work ** Life is Precious** Each cell in a body is part of the whole body. In the same way, every living being on earth lives by giving and receiving within the living planetary body. Every and all lives and all of their diverse possibilities,...

Rights & Freedoms
Respecting the fundamental rights and freedoms of humans and all living beings ## The Rights of Mother Earth ## The Right to know the Truth ## The Right to Life and Freedom ## The Right to Equal Opportunity and Freedom from Oppression ## The Right of Basic Respect ## Freedom of Religion ##...

Harmonious ways of gathering, using, purifying, conserving and caring for water All living things on earth depend on water. Humans are mostly made of water and our need for H20 is even more fundamental then our need for food or shelter. Yet — while many people and communities lack the water they need...

Be The Change Charities
Be The Change is a non-profit charity organization run by the band Wookiefoot ( that fund raises in support of international relief projects. The 501c3 charity raises most of these funds through an annual music festival called Project Earth ( that uses 100% of its...

Vermiculture (worm composting)
A basic how-to and why-to use vermiculture to enhance compost and soil health; techniques, methods and benefits From the libraries of Mother Earth News.

Stewardship and understanding of natural ecosystems

Phoenix Earth Food Co-op
Toledo, US organic food store.

Whole Earth Grocery
River Falls, US organic food store.

Good Earth Food Co-op
Saint Cloud, US organic food store.

Earth & Spirit
A heart-centered herbalism and medicinal mushroom business specializing in wildcrafted medicines

Radical Simplicity: Small Footprints on a Finite Earth
by Jim Merkel and Vicki Robin; New Society Publishers, 2003 In the face of looming ecological disaster, many people feel the need to change their lifestyles as a tangible way of transforming our unsustainable culture. _Radical Simplicity _ is the first book that guides the reader to a personal sustainability...

Sovereign App by
Software for blockchain based direct democracy decision making.

Earth Mountain Edcuation Farm
Sustainable community eco village in Weston, United States.

Good Earth Market
Billings, US organic food store.

Pickards Mountain Eco-Institute
The Eco-Institute at Pickards Mountain is an Earth Sanctuary and Learning Community dedicated to Healing the Human-Earth Relationship. The educational farm and regenerative sustainability learning center reside on 38 acres in the Piedmont of North Carolina.

E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation
The mission of the E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation is to reimagine the way we care for our planet. The Half-Earth Project inspires informed collective action to save the biosphere. “The Half-Earth proposal offers [a solution] commensurate with the magnitude of the problem: …only by setting...

Biodynamic Association
The BDA is a participatory, membership-based nonprofit organization that works to nurture the North American biodynamic movement as a diverse, collaborative, and thriving ecosystem. We help thousands of new people understand and practice biodynamics, bringing health to the land and vitality to the food...

Directory of Regional Biodynamic Groups
Listing of regional biodynamic groups for local advisory referrals, apprenticeship, training, or conference/workshop opportunities.

Tony Juniper
"A British campaigner, writer, sustainability advisor and environmentalist recognised for his work as Executive Director of Friends of the Earth, England, Wales and Northern Ireland. He was Vice Chair of Friends of the Earth International from 2000-2008. He was the Green Party's parliamentary candidate...

Bliss, Cremation and Green Burial Services
Bliss is an eco-friendly cremation and green burial services company located in Vancouver B.C. They provide full service "green" funereal services as one of the first eco-burial business in western Canada. Biodegradable and eco-friendly materials and practices are employed and Bliss is part of a growing...

Sustainable Housing – How to Enable Environmental Sustainability with Eco Living?
A home is everyone’s basic right. And Sustainable Housing is one of the hottest trends in sustainable architecture and constructions today. However, with the Earth population climbing up each day, how do we ensure our basic right doesn’t cost the Earth more than it already has? Are there ways...

What is Caretaking?
Caretaking is all about healing and caring for the Earth. It is about healing the damage that we humans have done to the Earth, as well as preventing and minimizing further damage and interference. As well, we have an inherent role to play on this planet to work in harmony with nature and help it to...

David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet
David Attenborough, a 94 yr old naturalist, recounts his life and the evolutionary history of life on Earth, reflects upon both the defining moments of his lifetime and the devastating changes he has seen, grieves the global nature loss and loss of wild places in a single lifetime, and offers a powerful...

Soil Building
Enhancing and restoring the quality and health of soil Soil is much more then dirt. Healthy soil is a dynamic ecosystem teaming with life and rich in nutriments.

Life Honouring
Care, respect, and compassion for all living beings Each cell in a body is part of the whole body. In the same way, every living being on earth lives by giving and receiving within the living planetary body. All lives are interwoven in the living fabric of life on this planet, therefore a creative culture...

Geothermal Energy
Using the heat from the Earth for energy Geothermal energy is collected by circulating water through rock or pipes underground, bringing heat to the surface that can be used to heat buildings and generate electricity. A geothermal heat pump can extract enough heat from shallow ground in most parts of...

Land Rights and Responsibilities
Laws of land usage, ownership and stewardship Space on the Earth is finite, and all living things upon it need and occupy space. How communities compete and cooperate over the use and occupancy of land fundamentally shapes their society. Social norms and systems of land rights vary widely across time...

Soil Biota Enhancment
Optimizing soil health and productivity by cultivating symbiotic microorganisms Healthy soil is an ecosystem in which millions of creatures live and interact. There can be more creatures in a teaspoonful of healthy soil than there are people on the entire planet earth, and contain up to 50,000 different...

Wildfire Management
Managing and preventing wildfires for ecosystem health For millennia wildfires have occurred as a part of the natural cycle of life and death on planet earth. Humans and other animals do their best to escape and survive the fires and plant life has adapted to resist, and in some cases take advantage...

Rainbow Food Co-op
Blue Earth, US organic food store.

UN Rights of Nature Law and Policy directory
A list of national and regional laws pertaining to the rights of nature and Mother Earth.

Seed and Plant Sanctuary
A charitable organization dedicated to the health and vitality of the earth through the preservation and promotion of heritage seeds. It is committed to maintaining, evaluating and keeping databases for all the edible, medicinal and useful crops that can be grown in Canada.

United Religions Initiative
"The purpose of the United Religions Initiative is to promote enduring, daily interfaith cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence and to create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings."

International Herb Symposium Courses List
The Symposium holds a special place among herbal conferences, bringing together people from diverse backgrounds and ways of working with medicinals. The backbone of IHS is its classes and teachers. The learning centre has over 150 online courses from dozens of esteemed teachers for herbal students of...

No-dig Gardening Basics from Deep Green Permaculture
No-dig gardening is a highly productive method of using compost, mulch, microbes, vermiculture and know-how to create usable, sustainable and earth friendly gardens.

Cooley Farm
Cooley Farm is a permaculture farm dedicated to the healing of mind, body, and spirit for the individual as well as the Earth and Her communities. As a sustainable polyculture farm we strive towards greater awareness concerning the eco-community as well as providing wholesome foods, grown organically...

Electroculture for Beginners
Electroculture is the ancient practice of increasing yields utilizing certain materials to harvest the earth's atmospheric energy. This was presented in 1749 by Abbe Nollett, in the 1920s by Justin Christofleau, and 1940s by Viktor Schauberger. This energy is always present and all around us also known...

Sustainable Living Stack Exchange
Sustainable Living Stack Exchange is a fact based question and answer website dedicated to questions about living an ecologically sustainable lifestyle that can be maintained indefinitely without depleting the earth's resources.

The Kind Life was born as an extension of Alicia Silverstone's book, The Kind Diet, "which is all about living your healthiest and happiest life to the fullest, while taking care of mama Earth at the same time!" This website is a resource for those who want to delve deeper into the world of healthy,...

Healthyway Natural Foods
A natural food store and cafe in Campbell River, B.C.

International Herb Symposium
Founded more than 25 years ago by Rosemary Gladstar, this biennial event continues to be a place for herbalists from across the globe to exchange information about the healing power of plants. The Symposium holds a special place among herbal conferences, bringing together people from diverse backgrounds...

EMF Protection: Natural Solutions - ElectricSense
"Living a naturally healthy life in our electromagnetic word"

Recompose offers an alternative choice to cremation and conventional burial methods. Our service - recomposition - gently converts human remains into soil, so that we can nourish new life after we die.

WildCraft Ecovillage
A unique experimental, off-grid Intentional Community that is based on the principles of Permaculture, Sustainable Concepts, and healthy Intentional Community Design.

Climate Hope Resource Guide
Helpful places on the Internet with resources to deal with Climate Grief and Eco-anxiety.

Lingerie made in the USA from Tencel and recycled water bottle fabrics.

Worlds Advance Saving Project
3D printing is WASP’s heart since a small and fast printer that materialises objects made of bio-plastic, clay, silicone and biocompatible materials, which mills wood and aluminium, makes it easy to start mini-productions. The revenue from the sales is invested in the research and development of...

Canticle Farm
An urban community and non-profit organization, Canticle Farm is comprised of six adjacent houses near 36th Avenue in Oakland, California. Begun from the home of a family of Franciscan Catholics with connections to the Work That Reconnects in the tradition of Joanna Macy, Canticle Farm now provides living...

Abundance Ecovillage
The Abundance EcoVillage is a place where neighborhood design, energy, water, waste recycling, and landscaping are all designed to work in tune with nature. This means that the systems we use to obtain living necessities are both socially and environmentally responsible, resulting in better living conditions...

Apocalypse or Awakening: Living the Climate Emergency
How do we find meaning, purpose, and wholeness as we awaken to the emerging climate reality? How do we resist both denial and despair? Join us for a discussion on how to find our ground, and turn apocalyptic news into an awakening of our species that moves us to a new chapter in our evolution. Hollyhock...

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