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Canticle Farm

Sustainable community eco village.

An urban community and non-profit organization, Canticle Farm is comprised of six adjacent houses near 36th Avenue in Oakland, California. Begun from the home of a family of Franciscan Catholics with connections to the Work That Reconnects in the tradition of Joanna Macy, Canticle Farm now provides living space for social justice and environmental activists and artists, hosts workshops, film screenings, and other events, and serves as a hub for activism, ecologically and socially informed spiritual practice, and radical economics in the East Bay area.

Mission Statement
Experimenting at the intersection of faith-based, social justice based, and Earth-based nonviolent activism, Canticle Farm provides a platform for the Great Turning one heart, one home, one block at a time. Several traditions, philosophies and practices inspire, inform and influence the emergent nature of Canticle Farm including Franciscan spirituality, the Work That Reconnects, integral nonviolence, Nonviolent Communication, restorative justice, reparations, relational economy, the Catholic Worker movement, urban permaculture, initiation rites and “soul work,” healing across the differences of race, gender, class, and age and other disciplines necessary for regenerating community in the 21st Century. Canticle Farm manifests this commitment by engaging in activities that foster forgiveness in the human community and compassion for all beings. The work of Canticle Farm primarily focuses on the poor and marginalized as those who most bear the burden of social and planetary degradation, as well as being those who are first able to perceive the good news of the Great Turning.