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28 items for technology (Page 1 of 1)

Appropriate Technology Library
Community Sustainability Libary from the Appropriate Technology Insitute. Topics include Solar Devices, Mechanical Devices, Animal Husbandry, Water Systems, Chemical Devices, Agriculture and Agroforestry, Building, Rural Self-reliance and Permaculture Links

Global Village Institute for Appropriate Technology
Global Village is a non-profit charity created in 1974 for the purpose of researching and disseminating promising new technologies that can benefit humanity in environmentally friendly ways. Carbon farming, transition towns, biochar, climate farming, and financial Permaculture are some of the many...

Living Machines
Living Machine Technology blends cutting-edge science and engineering with plants and beneficial bacteria to efficiently treat and reuse wastewater, providing lasting water solutions for communities everywhere. Based on the principles of wetland ecology.

The beneficial application of scientific knowledge through mechanical or information systems

Arctic Acres
Arctic Acres was founded to foster self-sufficient and sustainable living across Canada. Growing Domes® are state-of-the-art geodesic greenhouses designed for year-round growing - even in Canada. Growing Domes are an innovative progression of both the geodesic dome design and greenhouse technology....

Organization for Ethical Source
The Organization for Ethical Source is dedicated to creating an open-source (software) license that prohibits unethical uses.

Scientific Research
Ethical and holistic approaches to broadening human knowledge and understanding of the cosmos
A large collection of active and diverse Permaculture articles and forums on most topics related to homesteading and sustainability, as well as video resources, podcasts and on site appropriate technology and permaculture courses.

Solar Cooking Wiki
The Solar Cooking Wiki, sponsored by Solar Cookers International, serves as an interactive knowledgebase to support solar cooking worldwide. This wiki aims to improve and disseminate solar thermal technology for its positive impact on health and environmental degradation. It contains 1,800+ articles...

Climate Music Project
Combining the talents and expertise of world class scientists, composers, musicians, artists, and technology visionaries, the Climate Music Project enables the creation and staging of science-guided music and visual experiences to inspire people to engage actively on the issue of climate change. Each...

Scientific Research Ethics
Ethics and regulation of scientific research, experimentation, and technology

Systems of exchange that are independent from unsustainable debt economics Some form of money or currency is indispensable for a society to support specialization and advanced technology. Most national currencies are based on a fractional reserve baking systems where money is "created" by central banks...

Physical Exercise
Optimizing health and well-being with a physically active lifestyle Physical exercise is critically important to human health and longevity. For many people modern technology has removed the practical necessity of an active day-to-day lifestyle and replaced it with a sedentary existence, but it has...

Inhabitant Magazine
Inhabitat® is a green design and lifestyle site that provides coverage of environmental news and the latest in sustainable design. The website is devoted to the future of design, innovative technology and architectural that emphasize energy efficiency, sustainability and connection to the surrounding...

Avoiding unnecessary complexity

TED: Ideas worth spreading
TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of conference and videos featuring short informative talks on topics from science to business to global issues. The ted website's large collection of educational videos are all freely available for viewing and download.

Fairphone is a social enterprise company that designs and produces socially and environmentally responsibility mobile phones. \r\n\r\nTheir mission is to create modular devices that are long lasting, easily repaired and upgraded, with ethically sourced materials and labor.

Ecologic Dentistry
At Ecologic Dentistry they consider the mouth to be the portal to the rest of our body and the mouth is where wellness begins. An holistic dental practice integrating ancient wisdom with advanced technology to make use of materials that are the least toxic to the body and to the environment.

Viridian Energy
VISION To Contribute to a World where Clean renewable energy is the established method for powering energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, healthy and resilient communities BALANCE Viridian is the colour between green and blue, representing the balance between ecology and technology which we are...

The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals
The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals is a nonfiction book written by American author Michael Pollan published in 2006. Technology has made foods that were previously seasonal or regional available year round and in all regions. The relationship between food and society, once moderated...

Sociocracy 3.0
Sociocracy 3.0 — a.k.a. “S3” — is social technology for evolving agile and resilient organizations at any size, from small start-ups to large international networks and multi-agency collaboration. Inside this practical guide you’ll discover a comprehensive collection of tried and tested...

Kootenay Lightweb Computing Service
The “Kootenay Lightweb” is a community owned cloud server, communication, Software and IT Educational service which provides community owned “Data” and “Social Network” alternatives to “Big Data”. The “Lightweb” also provides ethical and open-source technology (hardware and software)...

Solar Cities
Solar Cities is an international platform with the intention of providing an open-source virtual hackspace for Biogas Innoventors and Practitioners and training for all those researching, developing and deploying sustainable solutions for flourishing societies.

Ethelo is comprised of two entities: Ethelo Decisions, a technology company dedicated to helping organizations focus collective intelligence to make the best decisions more quickly; and Ethelo Democracy, a non-profit society dedicated to a more effective, citizen-engaged democracy. Ethelo Decisions undertakes...

The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains by Nicholas Carr
An exploration of the Internet's intellectual and cultural consequences.

Worlds Advance Saving Project
3D printing is WASP’s heart since a small and fast printer that materialises objects made of bio-plastic, clay, silicone and biocompatible materials, which mills wood and aluminium, makes it easy to start mini-productions. The revenue from the sales is invested in the research and development of...

Kickstart international
KickStart (Founded by NIck Moon and Martin Fisher) designs low-cost, high quality irrigation pumps giving poor farmers in Africa access to year-round water. This helps them grow more crops, especially during the dry season, with the overall mission of helping them lift themselves and their families out...

Stack Overflow
Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. All the questions and answers are released under a Creative Commons licence.

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