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If any system of economics or value trading system has become corrupted by debit extensions or balance sheet charades, all subsystems invested in its currency, will eventually participate in its re-balancing or collapse.

Corollary #1: Mutual Freedom Those on whom your economic livelihood depends should share an appropriate or equivalent level of economic freedom from the 20th economic system as you do.

Economics & Exchange Resources

R- Future Regenerative Entrepreneurship Conference

Continental economics & exchange event (about 85 miles away)
A conference for business owners and entrepreneurs to make tangible plans for how to launch, refine, or transition their businesses, services and products regeneratively.

BC Farmers’ Market Trail

Regional local markets directory (about 118 miles away)
The BC Farmers’ Market Trail, managed by the BC Association of Farmers' Markets, is a directory of Markets that provide fresh local food in British Columbia.

BCAFM Farmers' Markets Tools & Resources Database

Localization directory (about 120 miles away)
A directory of tools and resources to help farmers’ market thrive. The directory includes a wide variety of reports, links, videos, and other documents for market board members, market managers, and vendors.

Marketing for Hippies

Economics & exchange company (about 563 miles away)
Ethical marketing for uncertain times. Free resources, core strategies, workshops, and coaching programs to develop appropriate feel-good marketing for values-based businesses.

One Community

Community organization
One Community’s purpose is to help people create a better world by creating a solution model that creates solution-creating models for The Highest Good of All. One Community is creating open-source blueprints for a sustainable civilization. These plans...

Artisans Cooperative

Economics & exchange website
A member-owned cooperative online marketplace for hand-made goods.

Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy

Economics & exchange organization
CASSE is an organization that explores economic growth in earnest, including its downsides. Conventional economists tend to overlook physical and ecological principles when considering the effects of economic growth. ...Our role is to help people understand...

Local Futures Foundation

Economics & exchange organization
Local Futures is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to raise awareness about the root causes of contemporary social, environmental, and economic crises. For four decades Local Futures has been focusing on the new economy movement, raising awareness...

Ethical Consumer

Economics & exchange directory
Ethical Consumer is a not-for-profit UK magazine and website which publishes information on the social, ethical and environmental behaviour of companies and issues around trade justice and ethical consumption. It was founded in 1989 by Rob Harrison and...


Economics & exchange website
Happonomy is built on the idea that scientific research in biology and psychology have shown our existing economic system to be not aligned with human needs. The mission of the organisation is to drive this alignment through scientific research and...

Community Exchange Systems

Economics & exchange organization
The Community Exchange System (CES) is a web service that provides the tools for communities to set up and manage exchange and trade in their areas without using money. It also provides communities with a network that permits them to trade with other...

money, economics, currency, exchange, trade