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13 items for money (Page 1 of 1)

Systems of exchange that are independent from unsustainable debt economics Some form of money or currency is indispensable for a society to support specialization and advanced technology. Most national currencies are based on a fractional reserve baking systems where money is "created" by central banks...

Direct exchange of goods without the use of money Direct barter is a simple and immediate way of being free from debt-based money and economics. Barter is a challenge in cases where there is not a match between individuals who are mutually in need of what the other has to offer. This challenge can sometimes...

DYNDY is an effort at building a Pattern Language for Alternative and Complementary Money Systems to inform and empower grassroots communities with concepts and tools to overcome scarcity, instruments and reflections for the Exodus from proprietary money.

Open Credit Network
The Open Credit Network is an open source mutual credit trading networking that enables UK-based customers and suppliers trade with each other without the need for conventional money.

Economics & Exchange
Equitable systems of exchange, valuation, barter and trade If any system of economics or value trading system has become corrupted by debit extensions or balance sheet charades, all subsystems invested in its currency, will eventually participate in its re-balancing or collapse. **Corollary #1: Mutual...

Community Exchange Systems
The Community Exchange System (CES) is a web service that provides the tools for communities to set up and manage exchange and trade in their areas without using money. It also provides communities with a network that permits them to trade with other communities, wherever they are in the world. The...

Site Map for The GardenZone
This site is for anybody who wants to grow their own food: organic vegetables, organic fruit and, last but not least, organic herbs. You can save money, pick dinner from your own garden, and get the most delicious fruit and veg you've ever tasted - your very own 'work of art'.

Serving the Berkshire Region, BerkShares are a local currency that can be used at participating businesses in the region to keep money in local circulation. BerkShares are fully backed by US Dollars held at community banks. They are currently available in paper form, with a digital version forthcoming...
Founded by author, educator, environmentalist, Bill McKibben, "350 uses online campaigns, grassroots organizing, and mass public actions to oppose new coal, oil and gas projects, take money out of the companies that are heating up the planet, and build 100% clean energy solutions that work for all. 350's...

uBlock Origin
A powerful, open-source blocker for Chromium and Firefox that keeps advertisements and trackers at bay. Unlike other popular ad blockers, uBlock origin does not accept money to whitelist certain ads.

System of exchange that uses time as a currency A time-based currency, or TimeBank, allows people to exchange their time and skills for another person's time and skills. Like a mutual-credit currency, a TimeBank can consist of a ledger that records the amount of time each member has contributed, and...

SEEDS Digital Currency
SEEDS payment platform aims to be digital currency and financial system that serves, rewards and finances the people and organisations committed to creating a healthier and more equitable planet. SEEDS is based on the Telos blockchain and DAO organizational model.

Community Forge
Community Forge is a non-profit organization that designs, develops and distributes free complementary currency tools. They have provided a exchange platform to more than 600 communities to establish and manage their own complementary currencies.

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