Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy
Sustainable economics & exchange organization.CASSE is an organization that explores economic growth in earnest, including its downsides. Conventional economists tend to overlook physical and ecological principles when considering the effects of economic growth. ...Our role is to help people understand the truth that growth isn't the answer to all our problems. Our analysis is based on elemental scientific principles, and we appeal to common sense, as we accurately describe our economic situation. CASSE offers a positive solution to our economic and ecological predicament, a steady state economy provides a hopeful way to achieve sustainability and equity in an increasingly constrained world. To tell the truth about economic growth and promote the steady state economy, CASSE engages volunteers around the world, from regional directors to collaborators on outreach. CASSE also works closely with economists and scientists to build a foundation of support for the transition to a steady state economy by helping professional societies adopt their own positions on economic growth.