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For millennia societies have relied on animals and sometimes other humans, to provide energy for transportation, agriculture, and manufacturing — and burned wood for heat-energy.

In the last 150 years humans have used exponentially increasing amounts of energy, mostly from fossil-fuels, creating severe pollution of many kinds.

Reducing energy consumption and waste, and transitioning to ethical and sustainable energy sources is vitally necessary.

Renewable energy from the sun and earth's systems is plentiful, and technology for collecting it is increasingly available and affordable. Reducing energy use and waste is also essential.

Main uses of energy by humans include:

Energy Resources

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One Community

Community organization
One Community’s purpose is to help people create a better world by creating a solution model that creates solution-creating models for The Highest Good of All. One Community is creating open-source blueprints for a sustainable civilization. These plans...

The Post Carbon Institute

Energy organization
Post Carbon Institute provides individuals and communities with the resources needed to understand and respond to the interrelated ecological, economic, energy, and equity crises of the 21st century. They help build resilience to withstand these crises,...

alternative energy, electricity, fuel, power, sustainable energy