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12 items for reduce (Page 1 of 1)

Extracts of Polypore Mushroom Mycelia Reduce Viruses in Honey Bees
A team of scientists from Washington State University headed by Steve Sheppard, the USDA, and Paul Stamets of Fungi Perfecti, reported in October 2018 that a mushroom extract fed to honeybees greatly reduces virus levels. In field trials, colonies fed mycelium extract from amadou and reishi fungi...

Passive Design
Strategically working with naturally occurring energy flows to reduce the need for energy inputs

Efficient usage, reuse, recycling or ecological re-integration of materials The idea of waste, something that gets discarded, is fundamentally incompatible with a holistic and optimized natural system. Everything transitions between states and between different life forms but nothing is "waste". Approximately...

Perishable Food Recovery Program - BC Food Banks
Over $6 Billion of food is wasted in BC every year; healthy food that is sent to landfills, when it could be redirected to feed hungry families. To address the urgent need to reduce this unbearable waste and get more fresh and healthy food onto the tables of British Columbians, Food Banks BC launched...

The Contrary Farmer
By Gene Logsdon, this collection of essays recommends cottage farming, the small-scale, part-time growing that aims to reduce food expenses and increase pleasure in living in a "tone that combines pragmatism, idealism ("Measure the value of products in human terms,") and impatient realism ('Let those...

Sustainable Apparel Coalition
The SAC is an alliance of clothing companies aiming to reduce the negative effects of the apparel, footwear, and textile industry through standardized measurement of the ecological and social impact of manufacturing.

Climate Smart
Climate Smart is a social enterprise based in Vancouver, British Columbia. We enable organizations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, strengthen their businesses and build a resilient economy.

Hakai Energy Solutions
Hakai Energy Solutions is a bonded electrical contractor specializing in remote, off-grid power systems, commercial and residential to help reduce dependency on diesel generators. They work throughout western Canada and are a certified fair-wage employer.

John Todd Ecological Design
In situ remediation systems, called Restorers, can jumpstart the ecology of a water body, digest sediments and reduce nutrient levels, bringing the water body back into ecological health. They can also serve as habitat for wildlife and as a recreational amenity within a community. John Todd Ecological...

The NeoHouse Institute
A non-profit organization supporting greenbuilding and ecolifestyle.

Viridian Energy
VISION To Contribute to a World where Clean renewable energy is the established method for powering energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, healthy and resilient communities BALANCE Viridian is the colour between green and blue, representing the balance between ecology and technology which we are...

Viridian energy co-operative
Viridian Energy Co-operative provides solar energy systems. Assessments, design, installation and consulting by the worker owned co-op of Professional Engineers, Red Seal Electricians and Renewable Energy Technicians.

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