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15 items for Democracy (Page 1 of 1)

Bringing Deep Democracy to Life
Deep Democracy is seeking to notice and understand diverse perspectives, including privileged and marginalized voices. This article is an overview of deep democracy by Amy Mindell. Voices can be marginalized because of systemic oppression, because they are difficult to understand, because what they...

Direct Democracy
Democratic governance systems in which decisions are made by direct vote, instead of through a representative Unlike a representative democracy in which members elect representatives to make decisions for them, members of a direct democracy vote directly on the decisions that effect them. There is...

The Wise Democracy Pattern Language
The Wise Democracy Pattern Language highlights design principles which can make an activity, organization or community more wisely self-governing. Based on of real-life innovations, this evolving database of wise democracy "patterns" intends to help people understand, re-imagine and transform the ways...

Sovereign App by
Software for blockchain based direct democracy decision making.

Sociocracy: A Deeper Democracy
**Collaborative Governance — Transparent, Inclusive, and Accountable** This site is a resource on sociocracy and democracy and the ways they support each other. It examines the principles and practices and the ways in which together they could better achieve their objectives.

The Democracy Collaborative
Through research, publications, and implementation programs, The Democracy Collaborative works to implement new economic system where shared ownership and control creates more equitable and inclusive outcomes, fosters ecological sustainability, and promotes flourishing democratic and community life.

Democracy Earth Foundation
Foundation building blockchain-based distributed governance and collective decision making software.

Ethelo is comprised of two entities: Ethelo Decisions, a technology company dedicated to helping organizations focus collective intelligence to make the best decisions more quickly; and Ethelo Democracy, a non-profit society dedicated to a more effective, citizen-engaged democracy. Ethelo Decisions undertakes...

A governance method that aims to make practical and effective use of collaboration, self-organization, and distributed authority Sociocracy is a governance system designed to protect and apply the values and ideals of a democracy. Unlike most current democracies, it is also a governance structure designed...

What Is Sociocracy and Why Does Democracy Need it?
An introduction to the concept, values, systems and methods of a working sociocracy.

Serving the Berkshire Region, BerkShares are a local currency that can be used at participating businesses in the region to keep money in local circulation. BerkShares are fully backed by US Dollars held at community banks. They are currently available in paper form, with a digital version forthcoming...

Developed by a worker co-op based in New Zealand, Loomio is an open-source tool for collective decision making and deliberation.

LibreOffice Foundation
LibreOffice offers a suite of free and open source office software that is compatible with many widely used document file types including spreadsheets, presentations and writing documents.

Collective Intelligence Network
A website with articles, interviews, and research summaries on various collective intelligence topics.

The Wisdom of Crowds
The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations, published in 2004, is a book written by James Surowiecki about the aggregation of information in groups, resulting in decisions that, he argues, are often better than...

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