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social justice

11 items for social justice (Page 1 of 1)

Living Future Institute
The Living Future institute is an international organization based in Seattle, USA with a wide range of programs focused on social justice and ecological regeneration — including their Living Building Certification and Living Product Certification.

Harvard Divinity School
Harvard Divinity School hosted an interfaith conference addressing the issues and challenges of maintaining a sustainable planet. Focusing on ways to engage, this conference examined the overlapping moral issues of climate change, sustainability, social justice, and mindfulness through the lenses of...

Marnie’s Books
An independent book store on Cortes Island with a great selection of books, including many titles on sustainable living, social justice, and environmentalism. The store is solar powered and wood heated.

PLACE - People Linking Art Community & Ecology
PLACE is a public-serving, experiential learning center to showcase and foster sustainable living practices, urban homesteading, community resiliency & preparedness, social justice and artistic expression. Their goal is to incubate a local sustainability hub to allow people to see solutions in practice;...

Canticle Farm
An urban community and non-profit organization, Canticle Farm is comprised of six adjacent houses near 36th Avenue in Oakland, California. Begun from the home of a family of Franciscan Catholics with connections to the Work That Reconnects in the tradition of Joanna Macy, Canticle Farm now provides living...

Ethical Consumer
Ethical Consumer is a not-for-profit UK magazine and website which publishes information on the social, ethical and environmental behaviour of companies and issues around trade justice and ethical consumption. It was founded in 1989 by Rob Harrison and Jane Turner.

Bringing Deep Democracy to Life
Deep Democracy is seeking to notice and understand diverse perspectives, including privileged and marginalized voices. This article is an overview of deep democracy by Amy Mindell. Voices can be marginalized because of systemic oppression, because they are difficult to understand, because what they...

Gaia University
Gaia University offers a blended system of online, guided course-work combined with on-the-ground, hands-on project work. They are a institution of higher learning that offers mentoring, online courses, diploma certificate programs, and externally-accredited Bachelors of Science and Masters of Science...

Port Townsend EcoVillage
Port Townsend EcoVillage is a community of people living in harmony with each other and the earth.

Luke Wallace
Luke Wallace is a folk musician and coastal advocate from Coast Salish Territory, Canada. Luke's music is a platform for the voices of communities organizing to protect the systems that help them thrive.

Peoples Food Coop
Grocer offering local, organic & sustainable food items plus an on-site, year-round farmer's market. "We cultivate strong relationships with the food we eat, the people who produce it, and the friends and family we share it with. We strive to buy directly from farmers and food producers whenever possible,...

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