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5 items for parts (Page 1 of 1)

Geothermal Energy
Using the heat from the Earth for energy Geothermal energy is collected by circulating water through rock or pipes underground, bringing heat to the surface that can be used to heat buildings and generate electricity. A geothermal heat pump can extract enough heat from shallow ground in most parts of...

Modular Design
Designing things so the parts can be worked on separately and reconfigured to work in various ways

3D Printing
3D printers make it possible for DIY production of plastic, resin, and metal parts that, up until recently, were otherwise very difficult or expensive to create on a small scale A 3D printer connects to a computer and, using stepper motors to move a print head that extrudes resin or plastic, 'prints'...

An open-source 3D printer that is designed to be able to print all of its own plastic parts. Plant-based, biodegradable PLA (Polylactic acid) filament can be used in RepRap 3D printers.

Dragon Tech- Rocket Mass Heating Store
Building and using Rocket Mass Heaters since 2013. Finding products for any RMH build can be challenging. Hand made batchbox doors, secondary air tubes, Dealer for Schott high-temperature glass and Rolled Alloy RA330 high heat metals, and anything rocket stove related. Fireclay, bypasses, RA air tubes,...

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