appropriate technology
Appropriate Technology Library
Community Sustainability Libary from the Appropriate Technology Insitute. Topics include Solar Devices, Mechanical Devices, Animal Husbandry, Water Systems, Chemical Devices, Agriculture and Agroforestry, Building, Rural Self-reliance and Permaculture Links
Community Sustainability Libary from the Appropriate Technology Insitute. Topics include Solar Devices, Mechanical Devices, Animal Husbandry, Water Systems, Chemical Devices, Agriculture and Agroforestry, Building, Rural Self-reliance and Permaculture Links
Global Village Institute for Appropriate Technology
Global Village is a non-profit charity created in 1974 for the purpose of researching and disseminating promising new technologies that can benefit humanity in environmentally friendly ways. Carbon farming, transition towns, biochar, climate farming, and financial Permaculture are some of the many...
Global Village is a non-profit charity created in 1974 for the purpose of researching and disseminating promising new technologies that can benefit humanity in environmentally friendly ways. Carbon farming, transition towns, biochar, climate farming, and financial Permaculture are some of the many...
A large collection of active and diverse Permaculture articles and forums on most topics related to homesteading and sustainability, as well as video resources, podcasts and on site appropriate technology and permaculture courses.
A large collection of active and diverse Permaculture articles and forums on most topics related to homesteading and sustainability, as well as video resources, podcasts and on site appropriate technology and permaculture courses.
Solar Cities
Solar Cities is an international platform with the intention of providing an open-source virtual hackspace for Biogas Innoventors and Practitioners and training for all those researching, developing and deploying sustainable solutions for flourishing societies.
Solar Cities is an international platform with the intention of providing an open-source virtual hackspace for Biogas Innoventors and Practitioners and training for all those researching, developing and deploying sustainable solutions for flourishing societies.
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