Solar Energy
Using sunlight for generating energy ### Photovoltaic Solar Panels The most common type of solar panel are photovoltaic solar cells, or PVs, which convert sunlight directly into electricity. Photovoltaic solar cells range in efficiency from about 15% to 30% efficiency.  ###...
Using sunlight for generating energy ### Photovoltaic Solar Panels The most common type of solar panel are photovoltaic solar cells, or PVs, which convert sunlight directly into electricity. Photovoltaic solar cells range in efficiency from about 15% to 30% efficiency.  ###...
How to recycle waste Water Using plants
Permaculture instructor Andrew Millison presents a diagrammed process of the basics of waste water recycling using plants.
Permaculture instructor Andrew Millison presents a diagrammed process of the basics of waste water recycling using plants.
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