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Solar cooking

3 items for Solar cooking (Page 1 of 1)

Solar Cooking Wiki
The Solar Cooking Wiki, sponsored by Solar Cookers International, serves as an interactive knowledgebase to support solar cooking worldwide. This wiki aims to improve and disseminate solar thermal technology for its positive impact on health and environmental degradation. It contains 1,800+ articles...

Appropriate Technology Library
Community Sustainability Libary from the Appropriate Technology Insitute. Topics include Solar Devices, Mechanical Devices, Animal Husbandry, Water Systems, Chemical Devices, Agriculture and Agroforestry, Building, Rural Self-reliance and Permaculture Links

Earth Passengers
Earth Passengers‘ Permaculture Education Center is a developing home and classroom on one hectare of land situated between Dulan Mountain and the Pacific Ocean. The journey over the past few years has been applying permaculture design to transform a worn-out rice paddy to a thriving garden, food forest...

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