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perennial vegetables

3 items for perennial vegetables (Page 1 of 1)

11 Perennial Root Vegetables for Your Garden
An introduction to perennial root vegetables. These root crops come back year after year saving time and energy while providing a harvest.

The Agroforestry Research Trust – | Forest Gardening | Fruit Trees | Nut Trees | Perennial Vegetables |
The Agroforestry Research Trust is a non-profit making charity, registered in 1992 in England, which researches and educates about agroforestry and perennial crops. They do practical research on our trial grounds, run courses, publish guides, and sell plants, seeds, and books. It is a carbon-negative...

Food Forest Farm
Growing Resilience for People & Planet Food Forest Farm aims to help people create low-maintenance, regenerative food systems. They grow, supply, and teach about perennial vegetables and other multipurpose plants. Consulting is available to design landscapes that are sustaining and nourishing for people...

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